Lush Green Dreams: Why Plots Near Mumbai Are the Perfect Investment

  • 7 months ago
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In the midst of the hustle and bustle of Mumbai, away from the hectic traffic, lies a hidden gem still waiting to be discovered. Pause for a moment, close your eyes and picture this gem. Imagine inhaling the fresh air, adorned with the fragrance of the flowers and listening to the harmonious song of the birds.

How does this make you feel? Mesmerized, isn’t it? Eager to discover more? Well, you are definitely in for a treat! 

From Greenway Properties’ secret of thriving ecosystems to its promise of community, your enhancing journey is far from over.  Keep reading to explore why investing in plots near Mumbai is not just a financial decision, but also a dream come true.

We will also introduce you to our secret, unique gateway, a place where your lush green dreams can come true: Greenway Properties at Wada.

Escape the Urban Chaos with Greenway Wada

Mumbai, the city of dreams, often becomes a city of stress. The constant hustle, pollution, and noise can take a toll on your well-being. A plot in Wada offers a perfect escape yet makes you stay well-connected to the city.

These residential plots are within a 2-hour drive from Mumbai via the Bhiwandi-Wada-Manor highway, which is linked to Ahmedabad National Highway. Also, Greenway Wada offers a touch of nature without any compromise on modern amenities. This makes it a perfect property as a vacation home near Mumbai.

Read more: Finding the Perfect Spot for Your Ideal Home.

Appreciating Nature’s Beauty

Owning a plot in Wada means having a bungalow near Mumbai with a backdrop of lush green hills, a backyard with water streams and birds as guests. Wada looks mesmerizing in all the seasons, especially during monsoon and winter. 

In monsoon, Wada is adorned with magnificent waterfalls and a green cover of rice fields. In fact, you can have a glimpse of different shades of green on the hills of Wada.

Read More:  Magical Monsoon Mist Near Mumbai

During winter, you can savor the calmness that follows the monsoon, especially near the hills, allowing you to truly experience the season near Mumbai.

Read More: Winter Retreat: Plots Near Mumbai Surrounded by Lush Greenery

Besides this, our property is on a partly forested area with more than 500 varieties of trees, including mango and amla. Owing to the rich green cover, we have numerous birds and butterflies as daily guests. Such serenity can make all your worries melt away, making it a priceless investment in your well-being. 

The Promise of a Community

Our unique paradise is not just about owning land but also about becoming part of a community of nature lovers. Whether it’s sharing stories around a bonfire under starlit skies, discovering hidden nature trails and secret waterfalls, having a guided trek with children, or simply enjoying a hot plate of bhaji and chai with your neighbors, this community has something for everyone.

Amidst nature only, you can forge unforgettable bonds, flourish new friendships and have a real sense of belonging. 

Financially Wise Investment

Now that we have covered many emotional and recreational benefits, we cannot forget that investing in plots near Mumbai is a financially wise decision.  Considering the steady appreciation of real estate in and near Mumbai, a plot that is expected to witness development will be an asset. GreenWay Propertes is designed wth a sustainable feature. Considering the future greener market demands, the homes automatically promises potential financial growth. Moreover, with rapid infrastructure growing in and around Wada, the appreciation of property is expected, promising substantial returns. 

Read More: Your Ideal Investment Destination Near Mumbai


A dream can come true if you invest wisely in it. Our special getaway place near Mumbai is not just an investment in a plot of land but an investment in your and your family’s well-being. More than that, it promises your lush green dream to come true. 

So why wait? Connect with us today to make an investment that appreciates you financially, enriches your soul and commences your life of lush green dreams. 

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